Sunday 24 July 2011

Walkers Tomato Ketchup Crisps

Tomato Ketchup crisps are such an obvious concoction when considered, as like salt and vinegar, the combination is regularly indulged upon dinner tables and in take-aways throughout the world. It seems far more natural than the oddly similar prawn cocktail certainly, so I can’t help but wonder why there are not more available?

Walkers Tomato Ketchup flavour crisps also seem to suffer from the lack of marketing interest and are no longer Heinz branded, but I feel they demand more attention than what they get. When I was younger I would regularly enjoy these alongside the defunct Marmite variety, but they both have long side lost the shelf space they seemed to previously command and these I now rarely see. Having tracked a bag down, I was eager to find out whether my fond memories as greedy little child were perhaps misinformed, and tucked in quickly!

I always compared the smell of the crisps to that of a bottle of ketchup on a warm day, or in a temperate greasy spoon, and found the recognisable aroma still occupying the bag.

They have a slight spicy, sweet tomato taste with the important hint of vinegar that gives them a slight edge. I do feel typical Walkers crisps are relatively thin in comparison to more prestige brands and although this allows the flavour to distribute well, it misses out on the potential of a quality spud. Saying that, they are as good as I remember and just wish they were more readily available!

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